Sunny Peruvian Beauty is as calm, gentle, and beautiful as her name suggests. Her conformation is perfectly balanced and well-proportioned, meeting the ideal breed standards.
Her fleece boasts exceptional quality, featuring a long staple length, bright luster, uniform fiber structure, and excellent crimp style, making her an outstanding candidate for premium fleece production.
Sunny Peruvian Beauty is the last offspring of the legendary Snowmaster’s Royal Extreme, being his 96th descendant. Snowmaster’s Royal Extreme was born at Snowmass Alpacas and was personally selected by Wade Gease as his own herdsire. Our farm has six of his offspring, three of whom are champions.
One of her paternal brothers, Sunny Premier Sao Paulo, is a remarkable alpaca with seven championship banners and thirteen blue ribbons to his name. He is currently our main herdsire.
Sunny Peruvian Beauty’s dam, Sunny Accoyo Berlin, is a Full Accoyo with a strong conformation, fine and bright fleece, and a long staple length. She placed 2nd at the 2019 AOA International Fleece Show, earning an Advanced Fleece Award with a score of 82 points.
Her maternal grandsire, Accoyo America Endeavor, is a legendary alpaca, with five of his traits ranking in the top 1%. His exceptional fine fleece characteristics have been consistently passed down to his offspring, and Sunny Peruvian Beauty has inherited this superior genetic legacy.
With her outstanding lineage and exceptional fleece quality, Sunny Peruvian Beauty is a highly valuable alpaca for breeding and genetic improvement.